
Tips to stay healthy and Manage Stress

Physical activity is essential to maintaining and improving health. The human body was designed to move, yet being active throughout the day is an increasing challenge in modern lifestyles.

There’s a reason that sports matter to us, and it’s not just about winning. Sports are fun, exciting, and rewarding on a physical level. 

Most of us have an eminently sedentary lifestyle, therefore we have to find time to do some physical activity, given that sport is beneficial for our heart, our respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and our emotional well being.

Sports are good for the mind and body. Instead of considering sports as an exercise or medication that would allow people to remain healthy and fit, it should be taken as a source of entertainment, which can freshen up the mind and body of the person.

Learning a sport introduces and develops new skills, both mental and physical. The strategy of a sport engages the mind while learning to play provides new abilities and ways to move the body.

Playing sports combines mental and physical energy that elevates life to another level, giving players better ways to think and feel. Games like Cricket, Soccer, baseball, and Basketball which have a team of 11 players’ show leadership traits on breeding grounds. It trains sportsmen to train, try, win or lose together, People involved in sports have naturally adopted “team Mindset” in the workspace and in a social situation. This team spirit leads to strong leadership qualities over time.

Learning skills for a sport translates into life lessons that children apply throughout their lifetime. 

Children who learn new skills from a sport will be more comfortable managing the risks of trying something new in life. Accomplishing a new skill instills confidence and self-reliance, good qualities to possess for achieving success.

From a childhood sport, they have knowledge about their bodies and ways to improve their condition, so they can continue to stay active. Even in old age, golf is a good activity to keep us in shape 

From eating right to building muscles so they can perform the sport, children who play a sport learn about being healthy.

The early exposure to the responsibility of maintaining their bodies in order to play a sport allows children to develop healthy habits to last a lifetime. As they age and become adults, children who play sports have the advantage of experience and knowledge to continue their active lifestyle when they’re older.

As life gets more stressful, adults who played sports as a child will have an outlet through exercise and experience healthier living overall.

Sports improve mind, concentration, reduce stress and depression, Improves sleep, help to maintain weight, boost self-confidence, link to leadership trails and most important benefit is to stay active. Tennis and dancing  need concentration. Yoga helps you clear our mind, interrupt the flow of incessant thoughts and focus better. After time yoga is a more beneficial effect on our daily concentration.

Sports or other exercises improve the quality of sleep. We became tried due to workout which causes faster and deepening sleep. Better sleep on time and full sleep improves mental outlook the next day and makes the mind fresh.

Sport reduces the level of stress hormones in our body. At the same time, it boosts the production of endorphins. So you will be happy and 

“Who is happy, will also make others happy”.

Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercise has immediate and long-term benefits to both physical and mental health for healthy individuals, people at risk of developing chronic diseases and people with chronic conditions or disabilities. In the short-term, regular physical activity reduces anxiety and blood pressure and improves sleep. It can elevate mood, increase energy and give people a chance to have fun with friends and family. Jog, walk, cycling or dance three to five times a week for 1 hour. Better walk every day for 20-30 minutes.

Distract yourself with I Pod or portable media player.

Be with exercise Buddy, which it would be often easier to stick to your exercise routine.

Be patient when you start a new exercise program because it takes time to be comfortable with the exercise.

You should add sports-related habits in your daily life. Sport is an activity of fun and at the same time a source of fitness for you. It helps your body to stay in shape and keep your metabolism in check. 

The long-term benefits of regular exercise extend beyond calorie balance and weight maintenance. Physical activity has a wide-ranging impact on health:

  • Lower risk of early death
  • Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and stroke
  • Improved cholesterol
  • Improved aerobic capacity and muscle strength and endurance 
  • Improved brain health and cognition 
  • Reduced risk of falls
  • Regular exercise has also been shown to positively affect digestion and prevent the normal decline of metabolism that occurs as part of the aging process. Exercise helps maintain lean muscle mass; replacing inactive fat stores with active lean muscle mass allows extra calories to be burned even when sedentary. Physical activity has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can keep blood sugar in a healthy range.

Tips for Staying Physically Active

The recommended amount of moderate exercise is 150 minutes per week and 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. 

Try scheduling a walk over your lunch hour, use the stairs instead of the elevator, take the furthest parking spot from the grocery store entrance, or take a walk while you wait at your kids events or games. 

What is the best way to incorporate regular physical activity into a busy lifestyle? Here are some suggestions:

  • Choose enjoyable activities. 
  • Find a partner to stay accountable. 
  • Turn inactive time into active time (e.g., sit-ups while watching TV). 
  • Take a 10-minute walk after lunch.
  • Jog for 30 minutes instead of 20.
  • Add weightlifting or resistance exercises.
  • Vary activities (e.g., play basketball one day; bicycle the next). 
  • Commit to a realistic schedule.